pop nourish

POP NOURISH, the meaning behind the name-
When I first began my certification process, I was reading one of the required books and there was a sentence that stuck out to me more than others. The author said, "the power is mainly in our hands and on our plate" in regards to living as healthy as possible. I just love the simplicity and potential of that sentence. We all have the power to enhance or change our lives through the food we put in our bodies, the products we put on our skin, the people we surround ourselves with, and the environments in which we dwell.

p o w e r
o f
p l a n t s

p o w e r 
o f 
p r o d u c e

p o w e r 
o n 
o u r 
p l a t e s 

p o w e r 
o f
p o s i t i v i t y

"verb: to provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition." To me this is all-encompassing, and the perfect word to use for the health and wellness of our minds, bodies, and souls!

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