about me

Hi, I am so happy you are here at pop nourish! My name is Katie, and I am passionate about all things related to health and wellness. Some of my favorite things include; trying out new recipes, healthy baking, grocery shopping, simple skincare, and discovering new healthy products! I am a proud Colorado native turned expat, and I currently live in Sweden with my husband and our baby girl. What I love most about health and wellness is that it can be experienced worldwide and shared with everyone, regardless of where you live!

I created pop nourish with the intent to share my passions with my family, friends, and beyond. I am a Holistic Heath Coach, meaning I am a certified holistic nutritionist, and a certified heath and wellness coach. I want to share my knowledge and passion to help others become the best version of themselves through a healthy lifestyle. I put emphasis on lifestyle, because I want encourage people to leave diets and restriction behind, and instead learn how to eat and live in a maintainable, and enjoyable way! I can't wait to connect with you! 
xo, Katie

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